I just watched Ryan Bates excellent
Railscast on securing an API with a simple api access_token. That was pretty awesome until I went to implement it and 12 hours later I'm still struggling to figure out how this
authenticate_or_request_with_http_token do |token, options|
ApiKey.exists?(access_token: token)
works with Cucumber. There is an awesome gem for helping developers test API's with Cucumber called
cucumber-api-steps and it has step definitions for doing HTTP Basic Authorization [
link] but does not provide any methods for doing Token based Authorization. This started me down the path of trying to figure out the
method. Unless the Token string is formatted correctly, this method will always fail and return a
["HTTP Token: Access denied."]
So before you spend half a day like I did fumbling around with Rack, Cucumber:
page.driver.header('Authorization', 'Token token=token_value, option_1=ghi, option_2=qwer')
You can drop that line anywhere in your Cucumber steps and it will set the appropriate headers. I hope this helps someone out there!
Fuck, I've been waiting my entire life for that gem of information. Thanks bro.