"Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions."
I saw my old roommate from Alaska the other day in NYC. It was pretty cool. I met her in Alaska and she grew up 7 miles away from where my lover lives in today. Small world. Sometimes she's an angry feminist. My old roommate, not my lover.
Speaking of reunions. My cousin, whom I've not seen since this last summer in Montana and prior to that I hadn't seen him for 6 yeas (since 2 family reunions ago in Montana for those wondering), is coming to my town to perform a concert this weekend. I'm taking my lady friend, her son and a friend with to go watch the 5-some rock out some bad ass classical music.
Last, but not least, go to Google and search for "coughing". It looks like a bunch of people giving blow jobs to invisible men. Click here. Full disclosure: I stole that joke.
Correction: I'm always an happy feminist :) <--- see