Monday, May 23, 2011

I'll Manage

Today I became a manager for the first time in my career. We hired a new developer that is 13 years older than me with as many more years of experience as well as a Masters in something related to our mutual profession.

Since my last manager parted ways with me about 6 months ago (for better or much as we grew to hate each other by the end, he did push me to be a real programmer and less of a lazy ass.) Since about 6 months ago I swore that when I (I've been told I'd get this position, it was just a matter of time) became a manager that I wouldn't do it the same way he did it. I promised I would listen, I would care and I would be a cool headed and a good leader in the face of defeat/challenge/opposition. What ever form it came in.

This evening I was cleaning up my computer, finishing some tasks for work and catching up on my blogs (ever since I transitioned from lazy ass to real programmer I've put my blog reading on hold at the ole place of employment. Funny how one change in your life will force another one. Like the time I was called a cunt by my boss and subsequently fired for writing this very blog at my work. That change caused me to stop writing during the work day.) So this evening I was reading through my blogs and a new article was published by Rands in Repose. Today's article (as most of his articles are) was written about managing. (read it here: HERE)

I hope I don't fuck this up.


  1. Congratulations! Don't be afraid to fuck up a little bit.

  2. nice. and brandon is spot on. we all fuck up a little. big deal. roll with it.
